When estate planning, you must make many fiduciary designations. This includes guardians for your minor children, elderly parents or any other disabled family member. For your trusts, the fiduciary designation is the trustees, and the fiduciary for your entire estate...
Trusted Leaders In Estate Planning, Elder Law And Fiduciary Services
Tucson, Arizona, Legal Blog
Four ways to maximize the longevity of your estate
You’ve worked hard to build your wealth over time. As a result, it can be difficult to think about leaving your assets to loved ones who may not have the experience or skills needed to adequately manage what you’re about to leave to them. You might be worried that...
When do you need to modify your estate plan?
If you’ve created your initial estate plan, then you probably breathed a sigh of relief once all of your legal documentation was finalized. It’s a major accomplishment, and one that many people put off for far too long. So, you deserve a pat on the back. You should...
Red flags about your parent’s executor
When your parents pass away, their estate will be probated. The probating of their will, and all associated duties are handled by their executor. This could be a person they chose and named in their will, or it could be a person appointed by the court. Executors have...
What should I know about life care planning?
Estate planning in Arizona often focuses on crafting a will or a trust. These are obviously important, but there are other vital areas that can be covered through an estate plan. Two of them are a living will and a durable health care power of attorney. Rather than...
Key facts prospective personal representatives should know
Being the personal representative of a person’s estate is a significant responsibility under Arizona law. The personal representative is appointed by the court to perform the duties after a person dies. This is to distribute assets, oversee their affairs and...
Here are some trusts that you may need in your estate plan
Are you overwhelmed by the estate planning process? It is understandable if you are. There are a lot of options out there and making sense of them all can be difficult and time-consuming. But if you want to protect your assets and your loved ones, you need to know how...
Who should I choose to be the executor of my estate?
In your will you can designate someone to serve as the executor of your estate. This is an important role, as the executor will be tasked with overseeing the probate process, ensuring all assets are collected, debts and taxes paid, heirs are located and finally...
Revocable vs. irrevocable trusts
Trusts are highly customizable estate planning documents, and can be adapted to many needs, but they generally fall into one of two categories: revocable or irrevocable. In one sense, the difference between these two types is as simple as their names: revocable trusts...
How does a beneficiary’s premature death impact an estate?
From a practical standpoint, estate planning functions on contingencies. All plausible alternatives require consideration based on priorities and current circumstances. The most prudent person, however, cannot fathom every scenario. A beneficiary who predeceases the...