What are the eligibility requirements for ALTCS benefits?

On Behalf of | Aug 11, 2021 | Arizona Long Term Care Systems |

The decision to put a loved one in a nursing home is not easy especially if you are concerned about how you will afford nursing home care. The state of Arizona recognizes these challenges and offers a state insurance program known as the Arizona Long Term Care Systems (ALTCS) at low or no cost to qualifying individuals who are disabled or age 65 and above and need nursing home care. The following is a brief overview of the financial and non-financial requirements for ALTCS eligibility.

The non-financial requirements for ALTCS eligibility

There are certain requirements for ALTCS eligibility that are not financial in nature. First, the appropriate state agency must determine that your loved one is in need of nursing home care. Your loved one must be a U.S. citizen or qualified immigrant. Your loved one must have a Social Security Number or be able to apply for one. Your loved one also must be a state resident. In addition, your loved one must also pursue any other cash benefits they are entitled to. Finally, your loved one must live in a state approved facility.

The financial requirements for ALTCS eligibility

For those who are unmarried, to be eligible for ALTCS they must have no more than $2,000 in countable resources. Those who are married may be able to reserve some resources for their spouse’s needs as long as their spouse is not residing in a medical facility. Some examples of countable resources include bank accounts, real property other than the place of residence, the cash value of certain life insurance policies, cash, stocks, bonds, certificates of deposits and non-exempt vehicles. Some examples of resources that are not counted for ALTCS purposes include the home the person resides in, one vehicle, burial plots, $1,500 set aside to cover burial expenses and household and personal possessions.

In addition, those who are unmarried must have a gross monthly income of no more than $2,382 to be eligible for ALTCS. This income includes wages, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income and retirement pensions.

Learn more about affording nursing home care

If you want to pay for nursing home care through ALTCS you must meet all the necessary requirements for eligibility. The process can be confusing, especially if it is your first time applying for such benefits. Fortunately, help is available. We invite you to explore our firm’s website for further information on affording nursing home care.